Unit 11: States of Matter



Goal: The student should be able to:

1. Recognize and/or interpret the meaning of the five basic assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory.

2. Explain the relationship between mass, velocity and kinetic energy.

3. Describe what is meant by absolute zero and recognize its value both in the Kelvin and Celsius scales and convert Kelvin to Celsius degrees and vice versa.

4. Indicate what factors affect the number of collisions between molecules of a substance.

5. Recognize what causes gas pressure in a closed container and what is meant by atmospheric pressure.

6. Identify the use of a barometer and manometer.

7. Recognize the units of standard pressure and convert from kPa to mm Hg to atm.

8. State Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures and apply it in working problems in which the percentage composition of a mixture of gases is known.

9. State what information can be derived from Graham's Law of Effusion.

10. Distinguish between intramolecular bonds and intermolecular attractions.

11. Indicate what intermolecular attractions may exist and how they will affect the properties of the substances in which they occur.

12. Distinguish between the four states of matter based upon their kinetic energy and movement.

13. Explain surface tension, viscosity, and capillary action in liquids.

14. Recognize at what temperature water is most dense and explain why.

15. Define crystal and identify the seven crystal systems.

16. Recognize what the simplest repeating unit of a crystal is called and that unit cells have various shapes that determine the shape of the overall crystal.

17. Indicate what affect the amorphous arrangement within some solids has upon the melting point of that solid.

18. Describe the properties of macromolecules that result from the network covalent bonding in them.

19. Describe, in general, what occurs to the kinetic energy of and attractions between particles of a substance as it passes from one phase to another.

20. Recognize that the vapor pressure of a substance directly depends on the absolute temperature.

21. Define the melting and boiling points of a substance in terms of pressure and terms of which phases are involved.

22. Recognize the relationship between freezing and melting points and between boiling and condensation points.

23. Describe the process of sublimation.

24. Distinguish between the processes of boiling and evaporation.

25. Distinguish between volatile and nonvolatile substances.

26. Define critical temperature and critical pressure and relate these to the strengths of attractions between molecules.

27. Interpret a phase diagram for any substance including locating the triple point and describing its significance.


February 14 : Discuss Unit X Test, Lecture Kinetic Molecular Model

February 21: Quiz; Lecture Gases, Dalton's Law

February 22: Lecture Forces of Attraction

February 23: Kinetic Theory; Demonstrations

February 26: Quiz; Lecture Liquids and Solids

February 27: Lab: Melting and Freezing Points

February 28: Lecture Phase Changes

March 1: Review for Unit XI Test, Objectives Due

March 2: Unit XI Test


February 14: Begin Chapter 13 Study Guide, Due Feb 26

February 20: Study for Quiz, Chapter 13 + Lecture

February 21: Work on Chapter 13 Study Guide

February 22: Work on Chapter 13 Study Guide

February 23: Write up Kinetic Theory Demonstrations due February 27

February 25: Study for Quiz

February 26: Prelab Melting and Freezing Points

February 27: Work on Lab report due March 5

February 28: Finish Chapter 13 Study Guide, Objectives

March 1: Study for test

March 4 : Finish lab report


Lecture & Lab Materials (uploaded once per week):

Heating Curve for Water

BHT Data (Right Click with your mouse and choose "Save Link as"; then choose a location to save to. This is a Graphical Analysis file)