Class Syllabus
The goals of the Academy first year chemistry course are…
- to provide students with a background in chemistry that will facilitate an understanding in chemistry and success in other related science classes.
- to develop skills in laboratory procedure and safety.
- to develop skills in solving problems.
Chemistry: Matter and Change is an integrated set of print-, computer-, and video-based materials. The multimedia materials are integrated in such a way that concepts are developed through a variety of strategies: Teacher-led presentations, small group activities, laboratory experiments, and individual activities.
Introduction to Chemistry
Data Analysis
Matter – Properties and Changes
The Structure of the Atom
Nuclear Chemistry
Electrons in Atoms
The Periodic Table and Periodic law
Ionic Compounds
Covalent Bonding
Chemical Reactions
The Mole
State of Matter
Energy and Chemical Change
Reaction Rates
Chemical Equilibrium
Acids and Bases
Oxidation and Reduction
Organic Chemistry
Class Routines:
- You are expected to be seated and ready to work when the bell rings.
- You are expected to remain on task until the bell rings and you are dismissed.
- You will have your homework available for checking at the beginning of the period.
- If you have been absent, you will be expected to have an admit to class.
- You are responsible for making up any work missed due to excused absences. Check your unit schedule to see what you have missed. If you know you will be absent on the day an assignment is due, you should turn your work in early.
- You will make an orderly transition between various types of activities.
Bring to class every day:
- Your chemistry book
- A loose leaf notebook with an ample supply of paper
- A pen and a pencil.
- A felt-tip pen with permanent black or blue ink.
- A lab notebook
- A calculator
You must follow the guidelines set by the administration at Conroe Independent School District, College Park High School, and the Academy as outlined in the student handbooks.
70% Tests – approximately every two weeks
30% Laboratory and Daily
Approximately 6 labs and 8 daily grades, which includes
homework and quizzes, per nine weeks
- Absence only on a review day does not exempt a student from that test.
- If the instructor observes any violation of test taking procedures, he will take the papers and give zeros to all students involved. Parents and the Headmaster will be notified!
- Students will have the opportunity to retake one test each nine weeks. The score on the second test replaces the first. A student who is absent on retake day loses the opportunity to retake that exam. A student who is absent on test day will also take the retake exam but that will not count as their one retake for that nine-week period.
- Repeated absences on test days may lead to the loss of retake privileges.
- Hand in at the beginning of class on the due date.
- Late work penalized 10% for each day late and will not be accepted after three days.
- Copying of homework will result in a zero for all involved.
Teacher - Karen Shumway
Conference – 11:09am-12:06pm
Telephone – 936-709-3274
e-mail – kshumway@conroeisd.net
Webpage – http://info.conroeisd.net/~kshumway